GEAY oysters farmer Marennes Oléron Charente Maritime France

The little sister of the GEAY familyla Friandise

huitre la Friandise Marennes Oléron Geay producteur éleveur

Adrien Geay portrait oysters marennes Oléron charente maritime France« I am the PERFECT oyster to share for the aperitif... » la Friandise GEAY

I am the result of a strict selection. I need a lot of attention from the GEAY family.

picto oysters marennes oléron Geay oyster farmer producer breeder

To ensure my growth, I am transferred from one park to another for more than 42 months in order to obtain the best possible nutrients.

picto oysters marennes oléron Geay oyster farmer producer breeder

I grew slower than my siblings, but my flesh is meaty and soft like that of my elder sister, the Special GEAY.

picto oysters marennes oléron Geay oyster farmer producer breeder

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Adrien Geay portrait oysters marennes Oléron charente maritime FranceOysters Adrien Geay portrait oysters marennes Oléron charente maritime France Terroir & Know-how

Since 1874

Geay Oysters Oyster farmers for 5 generations